nuhf synth test spectrogram

HTML5 SYNTH NUHF transmitter vers. 1.2

NUHF audio beacon emulator

HTML 5/javascript (source) based audio synth coded to transmit inaudible near ultra high frequency (NUHF) tones.

Letter Sequence Mode:
Alphabetic character sequence represented by an increasing NUHF frequency (each letter + step Hz at delay ms).
Audible sequence start tone of 3000 Hz.
NUHF start tone is 18000 Hz "AAAAAA" and 19875 Hz "ZZZZZZ" is stop tone.
ie. if step == 75 Hz, then A = 18000hz, B = 18075hz, C = 18150Hz ... Z = 19875Hz

NUHF alphabet tone sequence to play:

Binary Bits Mode:
Sequence using 2 frequency bits (representing 1 and 0) with a central, carrier frequency sentinel tone.
Audible sequence start tone of 3000 Hz.
NUHF carrier sentinel frequency then alternating frequencies of set hertz distance representing binary 1s (carrier + distance) and 0s (carrier - distance).
Sequence to encode and display a heart symbol in HTML, Char: ♥ Dec: ♥ Hex: ♥

NUHF binary tone sequence to play:
0010 0110 0110 0101

Clock FSK Mode:
Sequence using a steady clock pulse carrier frequency with payload above or below of 8 bits separated by step Hz in between clock pulses.
Sequence to encode and display example Heathkit ET3400 assembly program (orig 0000):
              [opcode][binary representation]
              BD FCBC 10111101 11111100 10111100
              86 01   10000110 00000001 
              20 07   00100000 00000111
              D6 F1   11010110 11110001
              CB 10   11001011 00010000
              D7 F1   11010111 11110001
              48      01001000
              BD FE3A 10111101 11111110 00111010
              CE 2F00 11001110 00101111 00000000
              09      00001001
              26 FD   00100110 11111101
              16      00010110
              5D      01011101
              26 EC   00100110 11101100
              86 01   10000110 00000001
              DE F0   11011110 11110000
              8C C10F 10001100 11000001 00001111
              26 EA   00100110 11101010
              20 DA   00100000 11011010

NUHF Clock FSK tone sequence to play:
10111101 11111100 10111100 10000110 00000001 00100000 00000111 11010110 11110001 11001011 00010000 11010111 11110001 01001000 10111101 11111110 00111010 11001110 00101111 00000000 00001001 00100110 11111101 00010110 01011101 00100110 11101100 10000110 00000001 11011110 11110000 10001100 11000001 00001111 00100110 11101010 00100000 11011010

Twitch Mode:
Text sequence derived from Australia's Privacy Act legislation, converted to uppercase, numbers converted to 4 bit binary, and transmitted within a 30 bit NUHF range of an OBS -> Twitch upstream -> downstream/VOD. (testing 18kHz - 19.5kHz range)

NUHF sequence to play:
Privacy Act 1988 Compilation No. 84 Compilation date: 01/07/2020 Registered: 29/07/2020 Authorised Version C2020C00237 registered 29/07/2020 Part I Preliminary 1 Short title This Act may be cited as the Privacy Act 1988. 2 Commencement This Act commences on a day to be fixed by Proclamation 2A Objects of this Act The objects of this Act are: (a) to promote the protection of the privacy of individuals; and (b) to recognise that the protection of the privacy of individuals is balanced with the interests of entities in carrying out their functions or activities; and (c) to provide the basis for nationally consistent regulation of privacy and the handling of personal information; and (d) to promote responsible and transparent handling of personal information by entities; and (e) to facilitate an efficient credit reporting system while ensuring that the privacy of individuals is respected; and (f) to facilitate the free flow of information across national borders while ensuring that the privacy of individuals is respected; and (g) to provide a means for individuals to complain about an alleged interference with their privacy; and (h) to implement Australia’s international obligation in relation to privacy.

Frequency step (used in Letter Sequence and Clock FSK modes):

Carrier/Clock frequency (not used in Letter Sequence Mode):

Binary Bit distance above and/or below carrier (used in Binary Bits and Clock FSK Modes):

Tone delay (execution time < delay time):

Synth Mode:

playing frequency: nothing
(Click to Reload)

HTML5 NUHF transmitter frequency to alphabet signal spectrogram image: Letter Sequence Mode showing start tone (3000hz) and successive nuhf tones (18000hz upwards) at 75Hz steps at 500ms per pulse.

HTML5 NUHF transmitter binary bit signal spectrogram image: Binary Bit Mode showing start tone (3000hz) and bits 1,0 at distance +/- 500Hz from the carrier at 20kHz at 25ms per pulse.

HTML5 NUHF transmitter clock fsk signal spectrogram image: Clock FSK Mode showing start tone (3000hz) and bits 1,0 step at 100Hz at distance 500Hz from the carrier at 19kHz at 25ms per pulse.

HTML5 NUHF transmitter twitch stream test signal spectrogram image: Twitch Override Mode testing hardcoded settings with start tone (3000hz), full A-Z range, 20kHz carrier, A-Z freqs starting at 18kHz, step of 50Hz and decimal numbers as 4 bit binary freqs, all at 100ms per pulse.